
Monday, March 9, 2015

The Go-Giver

While on vacation I read a great book called The Go-Giver. It had been recommended by a number of people in real estate and finance who proclaimed that it matched my business philosphy. When I started my real estate business, I never wanted my clients to feel manipulated, controlled or not represented. I wanted (and still want) each and every one of my clients to have my undivided attention, to know they are represented, to offer an expert opinion of Denver real estate, the schools systems, the neighborhoods and the community. To perfect this I read everything and anything that I could get my hands on about Denver. I visited schools, parks, recreational buildings and drove around the city to get a feel for the different and ever-changing neighborhoods. My business philosophy is a simple one - give before receiving. I was entering a city that I had just moved to and was looking to gain trust and business. To do this I started volunteering at local hospitals and schools which had many benefits such as giving back, learning the community and gaining people's trust.

Starting any business can be terrifying and often times I would stop and question whether you can build a business under the premise of doing and being good. Enter the Go-Giver, a small but mighty book emphasizing that you can do just that. The concepts in the book not only apply to business but also life. Without spoiling the book, I would like to make mention of the five laws of success:
  1. The Law of Value - Your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment.
  2. The Law of Compensation - Your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well you serve them. 
  3. The Law of Influence - Your influence is determined by how abundantly you place other people's interest first. 
  4. The Law of Authenticity - The most valuable gift you have to offer is yourself.
  5. The Law of Receptivity - The key to effective giving is to stay open to receiving.

If you ever get the chance, read The Go-Giver. I promise it is worth the time. Although a quick read it offers a great philosophy on giving and receiving in the business world. 

In addition to writing for Daigle's Digs, Elizabeth works full-time as a Real Estate Agent with  Keller Williams Realty Downtown, LLC. Elizabeth's expertise is in buying and selling a home, first time home buyers, short sales, and investment properties. Contact Elizabeth for any real estate needs. Cell 303-819.73.71. Work 720-314-8352

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